A dog was spotted hanging on top of an ancient pyramid in Egypt

A dog was spotted hanging on top of an ancient pyramid in Egypt

Paragliders are accustomed to flying high into the sky to enjoy magnificent aerial views of some of the world’s most famous ancient landmarks. But landmarks don’t usually have dogs hanging above them.

While flying over Egypt’s famous Great Pyramids at sunrise earlier this week, American paraglider Marshall Mosher and his fellow parachutists discovered the unexpected sight of a stray dog ​​also perched atop an ancient wonder.

“We noticed something running back and forth over the top of the pyramid,” Mosher told CNN Travel. “One person thought it was a mountain lion.”

The adventurers quickly grabbed their phones and zoomed into the top of Khafre, the second-tallest pyramid – which is off-limits to humans – to find a dog appearing to be chasing some birds at the top of the 448-foot (136-foot) pyramid. meter) structure.

Mosher remembers feeling a little anxious. “Maybe he’s stuck in there,” he thought. But his fears soon faded.

He joked: “If he goes up, he can go down unless he finds a secret portal that helped him move to the top of the pyramids.”

The next day, curious to see if the dog was still there, they flew over the pyramid again, with no luck. However, one adventurer filmed a video of what appeared to be the same dog safely making its way down the pyramid.

It spreads quickly

Mosher explained that it is unclear whether it is the same animal, as hundreds of stray dogs roam the pyramid complex, some of which are often seen near the base. The paraglider says he is actively searching for animal shelters in Cairo to help these stray animals find safer, less adventurous homes.

Videos of the dog quickly went viral on social media, with Mosher’s first post garnering millions of views on Instagram overnight.

Although Mosher has been creating content for a few years, he was surprised by the widespread interest in the dog’s adventure. “I thought the opportunity to fly over the pyramids was interesting news, but no one cared,” he said.

Some online commentators have linked the dog to Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the dead, who is often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal.

Mosher regularly paragliders over the Great Pyramids of Giza as part of SkyOne Egypt’s annual fly-in event, which provides a unique way to explore the famous site.

“I can see why the dog wanted to go there. It’s definitely the best view of a Cairo street dog that I think there is,” he said.

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