A political video ad airing on ABC and KCRG

A political video ad airing on ABC and KCRG

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – If you’re watching The View on KCRG-TV9, you’ve likely seen a political ad containing graphic depictions of abortion that ABC is required to air under federal law.

Presidential candidate Randall Terry airs ads across the country featuring graphic images of aborted fetuses.

Under federal law, ABC and KCRG-TV9 cannot reject an ad from an official political candidate under the FCC’s anti-censorship laws. According to the FCC, “broadcast stations are prohibited from censoring or rejecting political ads that are paid for and sponsored by legally qualified candidates.”

Terry is running as a member of the Constitutional Party in 13 states. Iowa isn’t one of them but since he’s an official candidate for federal office, ABC is legally obligated to air the commercial and that includes its network affiliates, including KCRG-TV9.

The FCC’s anti-censorship provision does not apply to other ads, even political sites, that are paid for by unfiltered third parties.

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