Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 update, and the announcement of Remasters of Warcraft 1&2

Warcraft 3 Reforged 2.0 update, and the announcement of Remasters of Warcraft 1&2

Blizzard Entertainment is trying to fix one of its biggest mistakes. On Wednesday, during the game maker’s 30th anniversary of Warcraft, Blizzard announced a 2.0 update for Warcraft 3: Reforged, the 2020 remaster of the real-time strategy game Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and its The Frozen Throne expansion.

“When something’s broken, you can fix it. When something’s wrong, you can make it right. If things aren’t good enough,” Brad Chan, senior director of the Warcraft RTS team, said in a video announcing updates to the classic Warcraft real-time strategy games. Chan said the Warcraft 3: Reforged 2.0 update fixes the game’s environments and lighting, revamps the UI, and upscales all classic Warcraft 3 assets to HD. Chan said the 2.0 update introduces Also new quality of life changes, such as in-game hotkey customization, a revamped ladder, and “so much more.”

Blizzard’s “completely remastered” versions of Warcraft and Warcraft 2 feature “all-new, hand-drawn visuals that capture the original art style from each game, and you’ll be able to switch between the original graphics and the remastered versions in real-time.” The original Warcraft game gets controls Modern, with right click, bandwidth selection and faster gameplay Both games have been updated with UI and UX improvements.

The remastered versions of Warcraft, Warcraft 2, and Warcraft 3 are available individually and in the new Warcraft Battle Chest bundle – available now via Battle.net for $39.99.

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